Are You Looking For Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Norwood, Adelaide

5/90 Magill Road, Norwood, SA 5067, Australia

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“8 Top Tips For Improving Your Pelvic Floor Health”

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5-Star-Rated Physiotherapy Clinic

In Norwood, Adelaide

Does any of this sound like YOU?

  • Leaking urine during activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising?

  • Feeling a strong, sudden need to urinate, often resulting in the inability to hold urine until reaching the bathroom?

  • Discomfort or pain in the pelvic region, including the lower abdomen, groin, perineum (area between the genitals and anus), or lower back?

  • Recently had pelvic surgery and not sure how to rehab?

  • About to have pelvic surgery and wanting to do prehab exercises?

  • Feeling of pressure, heaviness, or discomfort in the pelvic area or perineum after being on your feet for a while?

If you answered
to any of the above, firstly know that you are not alone. the team at

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About Vital Core Physiotherapy

Since 2003, Vital Core Physiotherapy has been providing comprehensive physiotherapy services for women, men, and children. We are passionate about helping all members of our community live a health and active life.

We offer advanced physiotherapy expertise in the areas of pregnancy and postnatal care, bone health and pelvic floor physiotherapy for all genders and ages.

Our brand new, purpose designed facility in Norwood includes a beautiful and well-equipped strength and conditioning gym as well as a large Pilates equipment studio. Vital Core offers you all you need the support you need to recover from your problem and live an active and healthy life.

Got a Question?

Ask Vital Core Physiotherapy & Their Team Of Experts

What Is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

Vital Core Pelvic Floor Physios are highly qualified and experienced in this specialised area of pelvic health. Women and men no longer need to suffer in silence.

Issues with Pelvic floor muscles and the pelvic health of someone can lead to incontinence (bowel or bladder control), prolapse, pain or intimacy issues.

These are no longer taboo topics and we are here to help you.

If you find you are suffering from any of the above, please consult one of wonderful pelvic health physiotherapists.

Together we will structure a pelvic health treatment plan to get you back on track and achieve your goals.

Treatment techniques may include:

  • Pelvic Floor muscles training to improve coordination, strength, or endurance.

  • Functional training to learn to use your muscles in the real world.

  • Relaxation or ‘down training’ for muscles that are working too hard potentially causing pain or dysfunction.

  • Lifestyle education to help use and protect your pelvic floor throughout the day.

  • Exercise advice to get fit and strong without compromising your pelvic floor.

Download Your FREE Pelvic Floor Health Information Pack:

“8 Top Tips For Improving Your Pelvic Floor Health”

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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is a highly specialised area of care. It considers all the structures of the pelvis (women, men and children) and how they relate together as well as a part of the whole person.

We often don’t know anything about our Pelvic Floor until it is put under stress and perhaps causes urinary incontinence or prolapse symptoms, or for the blokes when the prostate causes problems with doing a wee, or when deep pain occurs in the pelvis for seemingly no reason.

So if this has been you, don’t be embarrassed, or alarmed you’re not alone. So let’s start learning.

The roles of the Pelvic floor muscles include:

  • Supporting the Pelvic organs (Bladder, Rectum and Uterus in women).

  • Maintaining urinary, faecal and flatus continence.

  • Allowing effective urination and defecation.

  • Aiding in sexual arousal

  • Assisting in core control (working with your abdominals, back muscles and breathing)

What causes problems with the pelvic floor?

There are a number of reasons why problems can develop in the pelvic floor. These may include (but are not limited to):

  • Childbirth

  • Pregnancy

  • Bladder and Bowel issues, especially constipation and straining.

  • Incorrect exercising (unfortunately!)

  • Enlarged prostate (men only)

  • Chronic respiratory issues and coughing

  • Surgery, especially prostate surgery, urogynaecological surgery, gynecological surgery and bowel surgery.

  • Weight gain through the tummy

  • Hormonal changes

  • Endometriosis

  • Life stress

  • Interstitial Cystitis

What sort of pelvic floor problems can occur?

Any combination of these issues (above) can result in a range of pelvic health issues such as;

  • Incontinence – bladder and or bowel

  • General weakness or the pelvic floor

  • Prolapse – a heaviness or dragging through the pelvis

  • Pelvic pain – pain anywhere in the pelvis

  • Poor bladder/ bowel emptying

  • Sexual dysfunction


The improvement in foot movement and the cushioning and support that orthotics provide can help to offload other joints.

This can make a big difference if you are struggling with knee or hip arthritis, making walking easier and less painful.

Tired of Living with Pelvic Floor Issues?

We Can Help

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your uncomfortable pelvic floor issue

How Can Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy At Vital Core Physiotherapy Help You?

Firstly we find out exactly what is concerning you. What your goals are. What you need or want to be able to do.

We ask you lots of questions to understand all the signs and symptoms that will help determine all the possible cause(s) of your problem. In many cases this is not limited to the immediate pelvic floor muscles.

We examine the Pelvic Floor and pelvic health including the surrounding muscles for correct alignment, tone, and activation, as well as control, strength and endurance. This may include an internal examination. We also examine your general movement.

We educate you on what is happening with your pelvic floor and why.

Together, we will structure a pelvic health treatment plan to get you back on track and achieving your goals. Treatment techniques may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscles trained to improve coordination, strength, or endurance.

  • Functional training to learn to use your muscles in the real world.

  • Relaxation or ‘down training’ for muscles that are working too hard potentially causing pain or dysfunction.

  • Lifestyle education to help use and protect your pelvic floor throughout the day.

  • Exercise advice to get fit and strong without compromising your pelvic floor.


The improvement in foot movement and the cushioning and support that orthotics provide can help to offload other joints.

This can make a big difference if you are struggling with knee or hip arthritis, making walking easier and less painful.

Got a Question?

Ask Vital Core Physiotherapy & Their Team Of Experts

Other Common Pelvic Floor Problems We See at Vital Core

Childhood bedwetting – from the age of 7, most children should be dry at night. With thorough questioning, we can determine just what the best course of action to take for your child.

Treatment options include:

  • Day time fluid management

  • Day time bladder and bowel habit training

  • Bladder awareness training

  • Nighttime drones training program

  • Referral to a GP for further medical advice

Prolapse is a condition where an internal organ (usually bladder, uterus or bowel) are dropping down into the vagina. It is a common condition in women particularly after having children or after menopause. We can help to reduce symptoms, prevent progression and prevent or delay surgery.

Common ways we do this are:

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle training

  • Pessary supply, fitting and management. Pessaries are flexible silicon devices inserted into the vagina to support a prolapse. Pessaries were once reserved for the very old and frail or those who had not yet completed their child bearing. Today we can use them as an alternative to surgery. They are simple to self manage and with the right education and management are extremely safe for most women.

  • Lifestyle advice. Certain activities will put more pressure down on a prolapse. Once you understand this you can decrease symptoms.

  • General exercise advice. Making other muscles stronger can take the strain away from a prolapse.

Persistent Pelvic Pain – is extremely common yet can be extremely debilitating for both women and men throughout the lifespan. Persistent pain means it just isn’t settling like it should.

There are many possible reasons why this may be happening, and it is often quite complex to create the plan required for resolution.

Vital Core Pelvic Health physiotherapists are extremely experienced is thoroughly assessing and managing patients with persistent pelvic pain.

If you suffering from any of these pelvic floor issues please come and see the team here at Vital Core Physiotherapy Adelaide. Our pelvic health physiotherapy services can help you start leading the life you deserve.

Other common pelvic floor problems we see at Vital Core:

Childhood bedwetting – from the age of 7, most children should be dry at night. With thorough questioning, we can determine just what is the best line of action to take for your child. Treatment options include;

During the comprehensive gait assessment, your practitioner will perform an examination of your feet and ankles and the way you walk.

This allows for an overview of the alignment, movement and muscle function of the lower limbs, taking into account your specific circumstances and history.

Step 2 -  Latest Technology  

At our clinic, we take pride in staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology to provide the best possible care for our patients. This includes investing in state-of-the-art equipment for prescribing orthotics.

We use a technique called Video Gait Analysis to assess your gait pattern in detail, regardless of how fast you move. This method enables us to capture every aspect of your movement and analyze it to identify any areas of concern. By understanding the unique nuances of your gait, we can prescribe orthotics that are customized to meet your specific needs.

Step 3 - Recovery

Our orthotics are designed with the latest cutting edge technology, to get you back to normal and doing the things you love.

At Vital Core Physiotherapy, our team of orthotics experts understands that each person's needs are unique. That's why we often create individualized rehab programs to ensure you get the most out of your orthotics.

And if you want to take a break from wearing your orthotics and slip into those nice shoes you've been eyeing, we can help make that possible too!

Is the Pelvic Floor Programme Right for You?

  • Do you experience leakage or dribbling of urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or exercise?

  • Are you often in a rush to find a bathroom because you have a sudden and urgent need to urinate?

  • Do you struggle with constipation or feel like you can never completely empty your bowels?

  • Are you experiencing discomfort or pain during sexual activity?

  • Do you feel a bulging or pressure sensation in your vaginal or rectal area?

  • Are you dealing with chronic lower back pain that is linked to pelvic floor dysfunction?

  • Are you experiencing frequent pelvic pain or discomfort, such as in the lower abdomen or groyne?

  • Are you finding it challenging to sit for long periods due to pelvic discomfort or pressure?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have found the ANSWER to your pelvic floor questions at Vital Core Physiotherapy, in Norwood, Adelaide

Still Not Sure If Our Pelvic Floor Programme Is Right For You? Take Us Up On One Of Our FREE Options

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

6 Reasons To Choose Vital Core Physiotherapy

  • Experienced and Highly Qualified Physiotherapists: Vital Core Physiotherapy has a team of highly experienced and highly qualified physiotherapists who have extensive practical knowledge in various areas of physiotherapy.

  • Personalised Treatment Approach: Vital Core Physiotherapy focuses on providing personalised treatment plans to ensure that you receive the most effective and targeted care.

  • Comprehensive Range of Services: Vital Core Physiotherapy offers physiotherapy management for musculoskeletal, sports, women's health and pelvic health conditions. Physiotherapy developed exercise classes include; Clinical Pilates, Strength and Conditioning, RunFit, StrongFit and TeenFit to keep the whole family strong and active.

  • Collaborative Approach: The best physio clinics often work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals including GP's and Specialists. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care and facilitates effective communication and referrals if needed.

  • Excellent Facilities and Equipment: The best physio clinics in Norwood, Adelaide invest in modern facilities and state-of-the-art equipment to provide high-quality care.

  • Great Reputation: When choosing a physio clinic, it's helpful to consider the standing reputation in the community. Vital Core has been successfully helping the eastern Suburbs of Adelaide since 2003. We are the trusted physiotherapists of a very large number of GP's and Specialists.

Download Your FREE Pelvic Floor Health Information Pack:

“8 Top Tips For Improving Your Pelvic Floor Health”

👇 Click the button below to get your FREE Report 👇

Have Questions?

Request a Call Back and Speak with Our Expert Physiotherapy Team

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your uncomfortable pain or injury.

Where To Find Vital Core Physiotherapy

5/90 Magill Road, Norwood, SA 5067, Australia

Free Parking Available

5/88 Magill Rd, Norwood SA 5067, Australia

© 2023 Vital Core Physiotherapy