Woman with a headache and jaw pain

Double trouble: Managing the Painful Partnership of Jaw pain and Headaches

August 19, 20243 min read

By Physio Kate

Jaw joint (Temporomandibular) issues and neck related headaches (cervicogenic) are like those inseparable best friends who do everything together—where one goes, the other isn’t far behind! Typically, when a patient walks in with pain in one area, you can bet the other is lurking just behind the curtains.

The root of this issue lies in the complex anatomy of the muscles surrounding the upper neck vertebrae and the jaw. Remarkably, the top vertebra of the neck is less than an inch away from the jaw joint in most individuals!

The number 1 trigger for both neck related headaches and jaw pain that I see is…. STRESS!

Stress often leads to increased muscle tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, and jaw. This tension can trigger clenching or grinding of the teeth (bruxism), adding extra strain on the jaw and neck, ultimately resulting in pain and dysfunction.

When we’re stressed, it’s common to adopt poor posture—think slumping or hunching forward. This can lead to a forward head position, overworking the muscles that support the head and neck. The increased strain can result in muscle fatigue and pain, which contributes to both jaw issues and headaches.

Stress also leads to behaviours that can exacerbate jaw and headache symptoms, such as poor sleep, lack of exercise, and increased caffeine consumption. These factors can worsen muscle tension and discomfort.

Stress and anxiety can impact overall well-being, creating a painful cycle where increased awareness of discomfort leads to more stress and tension.

So, how can you manage this tricky duo?

Establish routines that work for you!

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week (think walking) along with two sessions of resistance training (whether at the gym, in a Pilates class, or at home).

When stress runs high, intense workouts can sometimes be counterproductive. Often, “cup-filling” walks and gentle exercises can be the most effective way to help control your stress levels.

I highly recommend checking out a fantastic blog “Breaking the Sweat Myth: Why Intense Exercise Might Not be the Stress Relief You Need” by Physio Thomas that explores this topic in more detail!

Meditation has repeatedly been shown to be effective in managing stress.

Sometimes, however, meditation and exercise aren’t enough to tackle jaw and headache symptoms—this is where we, as physiotherapists, come in!

Our expertise can help you navigate these challenges and develop a individual plan tailored to your needs. Let’s work together to break the cycle and find relief!

So how can Vital Core help you?

Physiotherapy can be a game-changer when it comes to tackling headaches and jaw dysfunction, employing a variety of effective strategies:

  • We can use specialised hands-on techniques to relieve tension in the neck and jaw muscles, enhance joint mobility, and reduce pain.

  • Individual exercise plans can strengthen and stretch the muscles in your neck and jaw, improving overall function and reducing discomfort.

  • Assessing and correcting your posture, we can relieve strain on the neck and jaw, helping to decrease the frequency and intensity of headaches/jaw pain.

  • Improve the coordination and control of the neck and jaw muscles that can boost function and reduce pain.

  • Providing education regarding stress management, work/home computer set up and healthy lifestyle choices to help you to take control of your symptoms.

The Watson Technique

Sometimes, it’s not as straightforward as both issues happening at the same time! Neck related headaches can actually present as pain in the jaw! Confusing, right?

This is where the Watson Headache Approach comes in. As a Level 3 Watson Practitioner, I can accurately assess whether working on your neck may actually help relieve your jaw pain! For more information on this technique, please check out my previous blog, “Headache & Migraine Relief: Can Physiotherapy Make a Difference?”

To schedule a thorough assessment with Kate and see if the Watson Headache Approach is right for you, call the clinic at 8331 0552 or book online!


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Kate Baxter

Kate is a Level 3 Watson Headache Practitioner, Pilates trained and has a special interest in Women’s Pelvic Health.

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