Pregnancy Pee-parations: Tackling Stress Urinary Incontinence Before and After Birth

Why We Should Start Managing Stress Urinary Incontinence During Pregnancy And Why It Doesn’t Always Go Away After Birth. ...more

Pelvic Floor Health ,Pregnancy Physiotherapy &Womens Health

July 22, 20243 min read

Pregnancy Pee-parations: Tackling Stress Urinary Incontinence Before and After Birth


生完孩子后看产康理疗师的重要性不容忽视。产后身体经历巨大变化,骨盆底健康、膀胱和肠道功能、腹直肌分离、运动恢复以及疼痛管理等问题需要专业评估和治疗。通过产康理疗师的帮助,可以确保身心灵的全面恢复,为照顾宝宝打下坚实基础。 ...more

Pregnancy Physiotherapy ,Womens Health

July 15, 20248 min read


5 Reasons to see a Women's Health Physio after having a baby

Seeing a Vital Core Women’s Health Physio after having a baby is crucial for recovery. We assess your pelvic floor, restore bladder and bowel function, aid in abdominal muscle recovery and return to e... ...more

Pregnancy Physiotherapy ,Womens Health

June 13, 20245 min read

5 Reasons to see a Women's Health Physio after having a baby

What is Pilates? And Why do Physiotherapists keep going on about it?

Vital Core Physio's value Pilates for its supportive and adaptable equipment, which facilitates safe and effective movement for both rehabilitation and fitness. Physio Caitlin will tell you about it's... ...more

General Physiotherapy ,Pregnancy Physiotherapy Menopause Womens Health Running Sports Physiotherapy &Mens Health

May 21, 20244 min read

What is Pilates? And Why do Physiotherapists keep going on about it?

Powering Through Pregnancy: Safe Strength Training Tips for Mums-to-Be

As more women embrace the benefits of lifting heavy weights for their overall health, it's natural to wonder: Can I continue while expecting? We'll explore the safety, modifications, and key considera... ...more

Pregnancy Physiotherapy ,Womens Health &Sports Physiotherapy

March 18, 20243 min read

Powering Through Pregnancy: Safe Strength Training Tips for Mums-to-Be

Fit Bumps, Happy Mums: Unveiling the Empowering Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy! 

Exercise in pregnancy. Tips & Advice from the experts at Vital Core Physiotherapy ...more

Pregnancy Physiotherapy ,Womens Health

January 06, 20245 min read

Fit Bumps, Happy Mums: Unveiling the Empowering Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy! 
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